Systems & Data Modernization

Migrate data, improve data quality, and lay the foundation for strategic DQ and MDM.

Data Migration

Move data between systems while improving data quality

Data migration is a complex project that requires planning and preparation and extends beyond simply exporting and importing data. Ataccama delivers an integrated platform and a team of expert consultants to support the entire data migration lifecycle and beyond.

All ingredients of successful data migration

Data Profiling & Discovery

Understanding the basic quality of source data and its business meaning is the critical first step in a data migration project. Ataccama ONE lets you easily connect to data sources from a web interface, search through and profile them in a few clicks, and see the state of all critical entities from one place, accessible to all stakeholders.

Source to target mapping

Import or create data models of your source and target system and easily generate ETL jobs necessary to transform data into the correct format and structure.

Load and export data

The Ataccama ONE engine can read and write data to/from virtually any data source, apply automatic corrections to resolve data problems, and ensure that only those records that meet predefined quality criteria will be migrated to the target system.

DQ validation and evaluation

Data in source and target systems is subject to validation rules. Ataccama ONE lets users design DQ rules and validate data from an easy-to-use interface before migrating.

Automated cleansing, enrichment, and deduplication

Standardize, cleanse, deduplicate, and match & merge data to ensure that the target system receives data that complies with its validations.

Manual issue resolution

When the engine cannot correct a data quality issue automatically, Ataccama ONE collects these issues in a queue and assigns them to data stewards, who correct them manually based on their expertise.

Ongoing DQ monitoring

Monitor the quality of migrated data at all stages of the project. It is easy to configure and integrate into the migration process.

Beyond data migration

When you choose Ataccama for your data migration project, you get a comprehensive data management solution, not a one-off deliverable. Reuse all rules, configurations, policies, and results to drive master data managementdata quality, and data governance initiatives.

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